
07306 514 951


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 7AM - 7PM

Bamboo massage allows the massage therapist to work deeper and be more consistent throughout the massage without tiring.

Benefits of Bamboo Massage:

  • Achieve a relaxing effect
  • Give a feeling of well being
  • Produce a stimulation, uplifting effect
  • Increase energy
  • Reduce mental stress
  • Increase awareness of posture/improve posture
  • Releases tension by relaxing ‘knots’
  • Soothes aches and pains in the joints
  • Increases mobility by releasing stiff joints
  • Reduces blood pressure by lowering stress
  • Reduces swelling (by moving the lymph around the body), this moving of lymph is why clients may need to urinate straight after a massage

Details of the Course:

1 Day Course
CDP Value 7
Pre Requisite Level 3 Massage or equivalent
£195.00 inc VAT
Health & safety
Code of practice for hygiene in beauty salons
Sterilisation & disinfecting
Hand washing techniques
Contra-actions Consultation
Anatomy and physiology History
Massage techniques

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